Discover how your stage of development directly influences your perspectives on your client work. Learn more about the interventions you make and identify where you operate from an earlier version of yourself. Gain insights to help you clean up your projections and understand what’s next on your development trajectory.
I’ve been an organisational coach-consultant-facilitator for over 20 years and have an MSc and various coaching and counselling certifications.
I’ve trained with STAGES founder Terri O’Fallon for over 6 years, and am a certified Scorer, Debriefer and Coach. I teach the Debriefing course and sit on the STAGES Advisory Board.
“At the heart of vertical development is the idea that we have the potential to engage differently in our lives. Research has identified clear and distinct developmental stages that we move through as we grow through life. One way we can describe these ‘stages’ is ways in which we make sense of ourselves, our relationships, and the world around us.”